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Thursday, May 3, 2012


Good day Mars,

     I know its been awhile but please do not charge my heart although it has been heavy. Regarding the family of 7 that all died in that tragic car crash this past week. Babies, sisters and grandparents such a great loss...please pray for the father who claims he doesn't want to live. God is able to heal every sorrow that this world has to offer. The family both here and in the Dominican Republic, pray for them too. They sent their parents off to the Americas and had no idea that they would never return. So sad!
They were identified as Jacob Nunez, 85, and Ana Julia Martinez, 81, who were visiting from the Dominican Republic; their daughters, Gonzalez, 45, and Maria Nunez, 39, and three grandchildren. The children were Jocelyn Gonzalez, 10, the daughter of the driver, and Niely Rosario, 7, and Marly Rosario, 3, both daughters of Nunez.
     Our prayers are that they all knew the Lord in the partings of their sins. According to the bible the three little girls are already resting with the Lord.
     In the meantime, please when you drive, don't rush because wherever you're going and whoever you're going to see will be there; and if not you need to know this by arriving safely. Take life slow and precise, God has things for us to do. Thought to ponder, I never heard of anyone dying in a car crash rushing to church...for we know that the Lord is with us. Yes, even in our cars, so talk with Him and listen to His word, music and His still small voice saying, "I love you with an undying love..."!

Taking it slow,
Jerri of Mars