Hey Mars,
As I sit here praying about what should I write, I hear the Holy Spirit say, Peace!
I know we all can use some of this. You see this peace is not from the world, but the kind that comes directly from the Father.
He says, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world..." This peace is perfect in all its ways. When your mind is going crazy with thoughts, peace. When your body is wrapped in pain, peace. When that non-driver cuts you off and you want to give him or her the little piece of mind you have left, peace! I can't sleep at night, and I'm tired of tossing and turning, peace! My children are acting like complete strangers, peace. Will this nightmare ever end, type of peace.
Oh, but the peace of God, perfect in all its ways. Peace that rolls like the rivers still waters, birds chirping, dew on my feet in the grassy meadows while the sun shines on me like I'm the star because in His eyes I am. Just sheer perfection. I heard somebody say, it passes all understanding which guards our hearts and mind in Christ Jesus. Some folk can't understand; why, you have not totally lost your mind. They only know what you've allowed them to hear and yet if the truth be told, you've cried all night long. Only to get up the next morning, as if nothing else matters because it really doesn't. You washed your face until it glowed. Took the hottest shower you could stand and cried some more. Now, here's the good part, you heard the Spirit say, "stop all that weeping, its morning", ha, oh yea speak Lord. Put yo good face on, combed your hair and stepped out the door, feeling and looking rather wonderful. What just happened? You ask yourself.
This is what that perfect peace causes one to do. Let Jesus speak to your storm, be still and know that He Is God! Only those that are His can pass this type of understanding concerning peace, did I say "pass"; oh you didn't know this was all and only a test. Did you pass the last one? If not remember to pass the next one. They get harder, but to those who practice prayer, supplication and thanksgiving, are often prepared. Again, this is not just any peace but the perfect peace of God and His son, who is the Prince of Peace...
Peace, love and soul,
Jerri of Mars
A ministry that supports, encourages, prays and provides an outlet to write and talk about our lives as single mothers raising sons. Where positive behaviors are fostered which will promote total wellness and cohesiveness between mother and son over time. We give and fully accept advice and suggestions. Remembering we're not alone... If you would like to share a thought through this blog, send it to marsinnewyork@gmail.com, looking forward to hearing what you have to write!
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Thursday, April 28, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Lets go CrAzY!!! (a loving story)
Hey Mars,
I thought I'd share my "giving back" episode on yesterday. First of all, just because my son is 20 and self sufficient, is not an opportunity to take off my bra and start swinging from the vines, screaming I'm free. No, no, no but it is about giving back to other mothers for support, love and encouragement. So, getting back to yesterday...Ok, I'm on vacation and invited my god-daughter (10 yr old) with her mom, 8 yr old brother, and 18 yr old sister, to spend the night. They got here late Tuesday evening so I suggested they stay one mo night.
Here's the kicker, I also scheduled a play date with my other three babies for Wednesday. I schedule these times with them on our vacations. These precious Bebe's
(my niece/nephews) are a set of twins (5 yr old: boy/girl) and another 8 yr old brother.
Oh, here's the other thing, you know I have several "other mothers"; so, I went with her to the doctors yesterday morning. This took an hour longer than anticipated. So, by the times I got back to the house there were: 2 mothers, 2 five year old, 2 eight year old, 1 ten year old, an 18 year old and my loving son, 20 yr old.
He was half crazy because our once peaceful and humble abode was now consumed with pure energy, that at any moment was destined to get chaotic.
As I was walking home, my plan was to take all that energy and walk them to the grocery store. We did, but when we got back to the house, it was time for crazy. In my teacher mind, I am always thinking structure, planning, and innovation. When you're amongst this varied age group you have to be proactive. There needs to be a wow factor especially for the younger ones, so I showed them how to "puree" assorted vegetables to mix into our homemade tomato sauce.
As you know, its hard to get kids to eat vegetables but they love spaghetti, so we killed two birds with one stone. Now, I put the 10 year old on bathroom duty, you know making sure hands were being washed and water playing was at a minimum. The 18 year old was overseeing movie watching and video game sharing. We had popcorn, juice and Redbox. Now, mother and I can cook dinner, but not without the constant interruptions into my very small, galley way kitchen. You know just as quick as they tried to invade they were immediately eradicated.
Before the night was over, I took the younger girls and treated them to a good ole homemade nail salon manicure. Bring out the sparkles! Did I also mention that I offered to take out my nieces very small cornrows and she's tender headed, yea. There's a method to that madness too, take them out in parts and we managed. She's the best!
Ok, moving on, my loving son return from work and chimed right in with the supervision of the Wii Sports gaming.
Before I knew it was 9:30 pm aka shut it down time. Oh, mother needed her brown juice (that's Pepsi on the rocks) and the house which was once crazy was now back to being peaceful and humble. However, I awoke this morning feeling like I had a hangover with some real brown juice! Thank God for my dear sistah, another mother of Mars, who walked me right into Venus with some good ole girl talk.
Mars, let's not forget those people who took your child or children off your hands for a view hours, so that you can usher in a peaceful mind set because being on Mars has its own issues. So, use your "free time" wisely and don't remember to also give back to other mothers who may need the same.
In the words of Monique: "We love you for free, sugar!" now wrapped your arms around yourself and give yourself a big hug. Until next time, don't just look back, give back!
Jerri of Mars
I thought I'd share my "giving back" episode on yesterday. First of all, just because my son is 20 and self sufficient, is not an opportunity to take off my bra and start swinging from the vines, screaming I'm free. No, no, no but it is about giving back to other mothers for support, love and encouragement. So, getting back to yesterday...Ok, I'm on vacation and invited my god-daughter (10 yr old) with her mom, 8 yr old brother, and 18 yr old sister, to spend the night. They got here late Tuesday evening so I suggested they stay one mo night.
Here's the kicker, I also scheduled a play date with my other three babies for Wednesday. I schedule these times with them on our vacations. These precious Bebe's
(my niece/nephews) are a set of twins (5 yr old: boy/girl) and another 8 yr old brother.
Oh, here's the other thing, you know I have several "other mothers"; so, I went with her to the doctors yesterday morning. This took an hour longer than anticipated. So, by the times I got back to the house there were: 2 mothers, 2 five year old, 2 eight year old, 1 ten year old, an 18 year old and my loving son, 20 yr old.
He was half crazy because our once peaceful and humble abode was now consumed with pure energy, that at any moment was destined to get chaotic.
As I was walking home, my plan was to take all that energy and walk them to the grocery store. We did, but when we got back to the house, it was time for crazy. In my teacher mind, I am always thinking structure, planning, and innovation. When you're amongst this varied age group you have to be proactive. There needs to be a wow factor especially for the younger ones, so I showed them how to "puree" assorted vegetables to mix into our homemade tomato sauce.
As you know, its hard to get kids to eat vegetables but they love spaghetti, so we killed two birds with one stone. Now, I put the 10 year old on bathroom duty, you know making sure hands were being washed and water playing was at a minimum. The 18 year old was overseeing movie watching and video game sharing. We had popcorn, juice and Redbox. Now, mother and I can cook dinner, but not without the constant interruptions into my very small, galley way kitchen. You know just as quick as they tried to invade they were immediately eradicated.
Before the night was over, I took the younger girls and treated them to a good ole homemade nail salon manicure. Bring out the sparkles! Did I also mention that I offered to take out my nieces very small cornrows and she's tender headed, yea. There's a method to that madness too, take them out in parts and we managed. She's the best!
Ok, moving on, my loving son return from work and chimed right in with the supervision of the Wii Sports gaming.
Before I knew it was 9:30 pm aka shut it down time. Oh, mother needed her brown juice (that's Pepsi on the rocks) and the house which was once crazy was now back to being peaceful and humble. However, I awoke this morning feeling like I had a hangover with some real brown juice! Thank God for my dear sistah, another mother of Mars, who walked me right into Venus with some good ole girl talk.
Mars, let's not forget those people who took your child or children off your hands for a view hours, so that you can usher in a peaceful mind set because being on Mars has its own issues. So, use your "free time" wisely and don't remember to also give back to other mothers who may need the same.
In the words of Monique: "We love you for free, sugar!" now wrapped your arms around yourself and give yourself a big hug. Until next time, don't just look back, give back!
Jerri of Mars
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Little boys crying out in the wilderness...
Hey Mars,
Please help me in my distress. Anybody who knows me, can relate to my love for boys. I asked God for a boy; I have seven brothers; two god sons and about seven nephews. I told you this before, but today, no yesterday, if not everyday, I see our young boys being sent to detention. Sistahs, when I look into the room, my heart breaks. Their foreseeable future seems bleak. Now, I try hard not to speak those things but statistics: numbers and the probabilities have not been proven wrong.
I asked a young boy, about the age of 9, "why do you act out in class?". He couldn't answer, so I asked the next possible question, "do you understand the lessons being taught in your classroom?". He answered "no". As we sat and asked him to explain the lesson he was given to complete while in the Principal's office; he let me know in words but could not began to put his thoughts to written words. So, as I literally led him down the pathway to putting his thoughts on paper, he had some difficulty writing a complete sentence. It was hard to watch because, check this out, he will be passed to move on to the sixth grade, with limited skills.
This will affect his chances to survive in middle school, high school and if he graduates, the probability of him becoming a productive citizen.
I frequent this website called, RaisingHimAlone.com, their based out of Maryland, New Jersey and DC. When you get a chance please take a look at the site and take the survey. These are brothers trying to reach back and help mothers and sons, like us,
make it up and out of this crisis. Yes, black and Hispanic boys are the victims of this epidemic. It appears that nobody is really going all out for them. I often feel helpless and I cry for their souls.
So, if you can do something like talk to your pastors, deacons, positive males in your communities, then please ask them to find just ONE. We can start with just one soul at a time, just like Jesus did. And in the end, PRAY! But never give up, don't get mad at them, nor caste them out. We will never get to know their story until we get close enough to inquire of their thoughts.
Remember, it still takes a nation to raise a child and to each one teach one...
Lots of love,
Jerri of Mars
Please help me in my distress. Anybody who knows me, can relate to my love for boys. I asked God for a boy; I have seven brothers; two god sons and about seven nephews. I told you this before, but today, no yesterday, if not everyday, I see our young boys being sent to detention. Sistahs, when I look into the room, my heart breaks. Their foreseeable future seems bleak. Now, I try hard not to speak those things but statistics: numbers and the probabilities have not been proven wrong.
I asked a young boy, about the age of 9, "why do you act out in class?". He couldn't answer, so I asked the next possible question, "do you understand the lessons being taught in your classroom?". He answered "no". As we sat and asked him to explain the lesson he was given to complete while in the Principal's office; he let me know in words but could not began to put his thoughts to written words. So, as I literally led him down the pathway to putting his thoughts on paper, he had some difficulty writing a complete sentence. It was hard to watch because, check this out, he will be passed to move on to the sixth grade, with limited skills.
I frequent this website called, RaisingHimAlone.com, their based out of Maryland, New Jersey and DC. When you get a chance please take a look at the site and take the survey. These are brothers trying to reach back and help mothers and sons, like us,
So, if you can do something like talk to your pastors, deacons, positive males in your communities, then please ask them to find just ONE. We can start with just one soul at a time, just like Jesus did. And in the end, PRAY! But never give up, don't get mad at them, nor caste them out. We will never get to know their story until we get close enough to inquire of their thoughts.
Remember, it still takes a nation to raise a child and to each one teach one...
Lots of love,
Jerri of Mars
Monday, April 4, 2011
Back to mothering
Good day Mars,
Well this past week has been a doozy. My one and only was complaining about stomach pains and then began to vomit, for two days. A couple of months ago, I too was vomiting and was self diagnosed as having a stomach virus. Well, I then to thought that my son had the same, after all he had all the symptoms.
By the next night, at about 3am, he again continued with the obvious symptoms. By morning I decided to stay home and was advised to take him to his doctor. By the time the doctor looked him over, she then strongly suggested to take him to the emergency room. She suspected appendicitis. From 4:30 until 11 pm, he was confirmed and admitted. Surgery was scheduled for 7:30 the next morning: Friday.
Let me kindly express that when your baby turns 16 years/older, you better have monies for a private room because that's the only way you will be able to stay the night, in the hospital with him. Well at least this is what I was told. His father and I went to our separate homes only to return the next morning. His father was 15 minutes too late to see our son to the operating room.
All was well, God is good! But I could not help but feel as though I had let my son down and this is why...We have never had so much as a common cold. Yea, he was stitched up at the tender age of 6 but nothing more than that. My sorrow came during church when my Pastor preached about the veil covering Moses face. This represented God's glory but since Jesus' death the veil has been removed but we like most believers and Jewish people still are living under the old covenant. How is this so, because even now when the word is read, most believers hearts are still dull to God's glory which is His presence through Jesus Christ. In which we live, move and have our being; we are free to stand in His presence and receive His glory. We walk still in darkness, not free which leads to ignorance.
Nobody is exempt, we all at times walk with Jesus and not in Him. He is the truth, the light and the only way back to the father. Being that I am human and sometimes fall in the category of walking with Him, I felt as though I was not on my job, as his parent, to really investigate what was really going on with my son. God had to send someone else to tell me to take him to the doctor. Had it been left up to me and my lack of understanding it could have not been so successful. I don't beat myself up because God looks out for His own, even in our ignorance.
However, I am so very grateful to Him. He is faithful, loving and kind. I totally believe God for healing and if I didn't know anything that night, I knew that our son was going to be just fine. As for his mother, God is not through with me yet and I diligently seek Him. Besides this whole ordeal was about Jibrii getting to know Him as healer and I guess to sharpen me. Remember, iron sharpens iron...
Many blessings,
Jerri of Mars
Well this past week has been a doozy. My one and only was complaining about stomach pains and then began to vomit, for two days. A couple of months ago, I too was vomiting and was self diagnosed as having a stomach virus. Well, I then to thought that my son had the same, after all he had all the symptoms.
By the next night, at about 3am, he again continued with the obvious symptoms. By morning I decided to stay home and was advised to take him to his doctor. By the time the doctor looked him over, she then strongly suggested to take him to the emergency room. She suspected appendicitis. From 4:30 until 11 pm, he was confirmed and admitted. Surgery was scheduled for 7:30 the next morning: Friday.
Let me kindly express that when your baby turns 16 years/older, you better have monies for a private room because that's the only way you will be able to stay the night, in the hospital with him. Well at least this is what I was told. His father and I went to our separate homes only to return the next morning. His father was 15 minutes too late to see our son to the operating room.
All was well, God is good! But I could not help but feel as though I had let my son down and this is why...We have never had so much as a common cold. Yea, he was stitched up at the tender age of 6 but nothing more than that. My sorrow came during church when my Pastor preached about the veil covering Moses face. This represented God's glory but since Jesus' death the veil has been removed but we like most believers and Jewish people still are living under the old covenant. How is this so, because even now when the word is read, most believers hearts are still dull to God's glory which is His presence through Jesus Christ. In which we live, move and have our being; we are free to stand in His presence and receive His glory. We walk still in darkness, not free which leads to ignorance.
Nobody is exempt, we all at times walk with Jesus and not in Him. He is the truth, the light and the only way back to the father. Being that I am human and sometimes fall in the category of walking with Him, I felt as though I was not on my job, as his parent, to really investigate what was really going on with my son. God had to send someone else to tell me to take him to the doctor. Had it been left up to me and my lack of understanding it could have not been so successful. I don't beat myself up because God looks out for His own, even in our ignorance.
However, I am so very grateful to Him. He is faithful, loving and kind. I totally believe God for healing and if I didn't know anything that night, I knew that our son was going to be just fine. As for his mother, God is not through with me yet and I diligently seek Him. Besides this whole ordeal was about Jibrii getting to know Him as healer and I guess to sharpen me. Remember, iron sharpens iron...
Many blessings,
Jerri of Mars
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