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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sibling Rivalry...Leah and Rachel

Good day Mars,
    In the book of Genesis, chapter 29:17 starts a story of two sisters who shared in marriage one man named Jacob. Our spiritual fathers; Abraham, Issac and Jacob. The latter aka the trickster, deceitful who ended up being fooled by his uncle and his very son. Jacob the one who had 12 sons; the originators of the 12 tribes of Israel. The man whom God himself renamed Israel: Prince. Jacob who slept on a rock and watched angels descend and ascend from heaven. Jacob who fought with God and walked away afflicted but blessed. He became the brunt of two sisters hurt, sorrow and pain, but not without his uncle's help.

v16-17...Laban had two daughters; Rachel who was beautiful with a good figure and Leah the oldest, who's eyes did not sparkle. Tells us that Jacob was physically attracted to Rachel.
v18..."if you will let me marry Rachel, I'll work seven years for you." Rachel was his cousin, he promise to his uncle Laban tells us he was a diligent, honorable and earned his way. He also found himself in love with her after only one month.
v25...The next morning Jacob realized he had been tricked by his uncle and married Leah. His uncle told him about traditions and offered him seven more years to have Rachel. Tells us that deceit runs in the family.
v31...Leah soon became pregnant and because Jacob loved Rachel more God closed her womb. Tells us that Rachel would not give her husband his first born son.
30:1..."I'll die if you don't give me some children!". Tells us Rachel was becoming jealous and desperate.
v2..."Don't blame me, I'm not God!". Tells us Jacob became upset with Rachel
     Some of you may relate to sibling rivalry. Sister jealousy, arguing and perhaps fighting. Maybe sisters who just happen to get pregnant by the same man, stranger things have happened. However, God can work all these things out for our good. We cannot battle with each other, because it's not ours to fight. These women took matters into their own hands, like we often do. This can get messy but God is in the business of taking our biggest mess and working a miracle. Where we can be cordial towards each other. Especially when the children witness such harsh behaviors. They can start to act out as you will see as they grow older. These are all ignited by generational curses: lying, pride, blame and desperation. We must pray, read and ask God to help us in the mist of our personal storms. He will.
Until next time, please read ahead but not too far. We all know the story, God is going to work it all out for our good according to His riches and glory!

Jerri of Mars

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The last of Hannah, pt. 3

Hannah prayed looking up
Good day Mars,
     Commencing upon Hannah: The Promise Keeper; always keeping in mind that its God who gets the glory while we are in our most challenging times. Isaiah 53:10 tells us, "Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him...and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hand." We're just mere living vessels used to bring forth God's perfect plan for our lives and our sons. It is He who is perfect and does likewise, so why are we trying to be something were never were designed to be. Read I John 1:8, "anyone who says they are without sin is a liar and the truth is not in them"...But, in the end, we will be "like Him", perfect! Until that glorious day keep striving for His perfection being displayed in us; remember were made in His image and likeness...

     Chapter 2v18. Hannah made clothes and bought them to Samuel each year at Shiloh. Tells us she was always faithful, loving and caring throughout all of her visitations to see her son. Some of you may have a son that is institutionalized and might find it hard to still see after him but please try to be faithful. God honors those who visit the imprisoned. Read Matt 25.
v21 Hannah's womb was blessed and she bore five additional children. Tells us God continued to bless her and made her whole.
v26 Each day the Lord and His people liked Samuel more and more. Tells us Samuel was highly favored.
     Unfortunately some mothers have to give their sons up to be raised by others, for whatever the reason doesn't matter, but that they are cared for, loved and protected. Also that the mothers are remembered and respected, with the chance to someday be reunited with her children. Hannah's releasing of Samuel was voluntarily but I'm sure the pain was identical. The bible doesn't elude to this fact but its a natural and human emotional reaction to separation.
     However, God was, is and always will be faithful and spiritually we must ALL give our sons to serve Him forever such as Jesus, whom God gave to us, His only begotten son. He promised to save our household, so stay prayerful.
Love ya,
Jerri of Mars 


Monday, December 5, 2011

Hannah part 2

Good day Mars,
     Hope all your holiday eating hasn't got the best of you. I've decided that I will write more often being that my postings can be a tad bit extensive. Keeping in mind that I only blog once a week while normal blogger's do so daily. So, for those of you who's attention span or time is short, from this day forward whatever the Lord gives me to share will be brief. However, that means you will get more invites to read more often.
     Here's the last part of Hannah: The Promise Keeper; also be mindful of what the Lord is sharing with us in this dispensation of time. We've heard enough about our present women, friends and family and their many issues but God said, now we can look into the women of ancient times. He brought them through, so what more will He do for us now.
     In the book of 1 Samuel starting at:
v19. Elkanah and Hannah got up early and worshipped the Lord. ..Tells us she's faithful to her husband and God.
v20. Hannah didn't go to the annual sacrifice until Samuel was weaned then was given to God...Tells us she was a responsible mother and woman of integrity.
v21. Elkanah told his wife she "knows what's best"...Tells us her husband had confidence in her decision making.
v24-28. Hannah did as she promised God; took Samuel to Eli the priest to serve God forever...Tells us that she kept her promise to God.
     How many times have we made promises to God and failed to uphold our end? Hannah was a woman, a wife and a devout worshipper of the All Mighty God. I have cried out to the Lord such as Hannah and thank God, that in these times, effectual, fervent prayers poured out in tears with muted voices are normal. Thank God people and our pastors don't think we're drunk while up in the church house.
     We are now in a time where desperation and perspiration are inevitable, not for us but for the unsaved. So, we can now live the word; by coming boldly to the throne of our times of needs and get results, such as Hannah. If we never thought before that God is real and is still making all things possible and visible to man, than we need to start. The operative word is NOW!
Until next time, 
Jerri of Mars

Train em up...