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Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Visit from the Minister

Good day Mars,

     New Rochelle had a very powerful yet pleasant visit on last Sunday. He's not a stranger to our town because about 35 years ago or so, he lived and raised his children there. I remember visiting his home. It was lavishly laid on the same street as Ossie and Ruby Davis. There was an elevator in his house! The first time I went to his house which was also the last, Kim and I went with her cousin Rosa because she was dating one of his younger sons. Then I remember, meeting his oldest son, Louis Jr. My brother and him were close friends. At that time, Louis was dating Stephanie Mills. During this time, she was starring in the The Wiz on Broadway. I was about nine years, my brother, Kevin and Louis, took me to see the play. I sat in box seats, visited her in the dressing room and lastly we ate dinner at a restaurant. She was about my height, incredibly short:)
     Of course, most of you should have some clue but if not, our visitor was the honorable Louis Farrakhan. He is the leader of the Nation of Islam. Let me tell you, when I stepped out of church there was at least 100 black men in suits, sunglasses and eagerly anticipating his safe arrival. The minister showed up accompanied by five blacked out Suburbans. You could have never guessed which one he was in because they pulled into Lincoln Park as though to cause a diversion. However, I saw his son, Mustafa, uprightly sitting in the front seat of one and immediately knew that was the truck the minister was in.
The Minister and I

     I've seen the minister speak in person some years ago, but I kid you not, that man has not aged. He's at least 80 but looks every bit of 45 or 50 (view our picture he looks young as me). He spoke on several topics from the election, being an even stronger community, Jesus, biblical scriptures, Islam, Michael Jackson and why he is now going from city to city to spread his message on how we all need to get right with God. The scripture that spoke volumes throughout his very informal message was II Chronicles 7:14.
       In your own time, you can listen as well as watch the video from start to finish. (23 min, my voice is also on the video, sorry) Now I know their are many who don't agree with him for various reasons but the man is one our peoples strongest supporters along with Al Sharpton and others. But do know one thing, there aren't a few of them around to come and see about us in the little town of New Rochelle. He didn't forget his roots, he was soft spoken, informal, impressionable, intelligent along with astute gentlemanly qualities. As I approached him, I felt a warm sense of compassion and love. People will say many things, both good and bad, but Jesus tells us to take the plank out your eyes before you start pointing out specks in others. I was very grateful to have the honorable Louis Farrakhan in my presence. Finally, he's a husband (60 yrs) and father to his biological and then all of those 100 or more black men who gave up a life of destruction to follow him to Allah. We just have to pray that they will all come into the full knowledge of Jesus Christ, who is the Only way to God!
 Bless you all...

Jerri of Mars

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Just cause He's Black

Good day Mars,
I got this from a good friend and thought it was worth sharing. You may have seen this but if not please read...
A white man asked his black friend, 'Are you voting for Barack Obama just because he's black'? 
The black man responded by saying, why not? 
Hell, in this country men are pulled over everyday just cause they're black, passed over for promotions just cause they're black, considered to be criminals just cause they're black, and there are going to be thousands of you who wont be voting for him just cause he's black! 
However, you do not seem to have a problem with that! This country was built with the sweat and whip off the slaves black, and now a descendent of those same slaves has a chance to lead the same country, where we weren't even considered to be people, where we weren't allowed to be educated, drink from the same water fountains, eat in the same restaurants, or even vote, so yes, I'm going to vote for him! 
But it's not just because he's black, but because he is hope, he is change, and he now allows me to understand when my grandson says he wants to be president when he grows up, it is not a fairy tale but a short term goal, because he sees, understands, and knows, he can achieve, withstand, and do anything just because he's black!
 'Let's Do It Again' . . . but of course the choice is yours!
Jerri of Mars

Monday, September 3, 2012

Keeping Traditions

Happy September Mars,

The view from a cliff I climbed at Horseshoe Bay
     Well its been awhile since my last post but I have been on vacation. I went to Bermuda! And it was beautiful!!! If I could have bottled Horseshoe Bay with its pink sands and warm glistening aqua blue water, I would have. I also would bottle this band called Xcite (their a group of four musicians from Trinidad). Oh! and I went to a party, around 1am Friday the 1st with the natives and NCL crew members, to celebrate Trinidad's 50 years of independence and it was the bomb!!!! There's a video below, its the best I had that was clear remember it was late and dark outside.
     Xcite played, there were flags, marching, native girls in booty shorts, winding and gyrating. It got real rated R and X but no clothes were removed. Let's just say, shame is not their middle name. These young adults were very proud of their heritage and it felt good to witnessed how they took something their families past on to them in order to keep tradition alive.
     That's what we will try to do from this day on, keep good traditions alive. Not just any ole tradition but those saying and sources of information that have always worked and will continue. For instance, when bras were burnt in honor of the Suffrage; women speaking up and moving out from under the pressures of oppression. Wendy Williams says it best, "sistahs be doing it for themselves".
     We will start, if not already to be actively involved in our next phase in life. We will now register to vote or do you one better, join a movement aka ministry that is about the better for humanity. I've been actively involved in a ministry called Isaiah's Room. This is about reaching what Jesus calls, the least of them...Matthew 25. Every Saturday a group of us go to the church and feed the demanding population our city has yet to deal with so they choose to ignore. The very last of shelters is presently ran and financially operated by Ray Rice; he's the oldest son of another Mars mother aka Janet Rice. So proud of her and him.
     I will post a few ministries that you can look into as you start to do for others outside of you and the children. When our children see us doing something for nothing (that means for no financial gain) then that is when they start thinking outside of the box of selfishness, in order to become selfless. This is another outlet for all of us to vent our frustrations  as is exercising, meditating, praying and/or reading instead of at each other.
     These are just a few to spark your interest, God bless you all, until next time. I pray you give some feedback by replying at the end of the blog page on your choice of journey. Be encouraging and show love...

Doing something for someone other than You!
Jerri of Mars