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Monday, September 30, 2013

Give Life...become a donor

Good day Mars,
It's been a long time but I'mss back! I have so much to offer over these next few months too. A couple of bible studies, some prophetic words but my latest quest is seeing how I can convince you and yours to become organ donors. And I only have ONE month. If you already are, then bless you.
For starters, "I'm a Donor"! Became one several years ago. I am not fully prepared to share the story of a dear friend but hopefully within the next week. So stay tuned ok?
In the meantime, if your not already an organ donor please take some time to research cases, find out the importance(remember knowledge is power), weigh your odds, do some soul searching and become apart of my team for the month of October, team Give Life. After all, Jesus gave His life for us, what more can we do for others... If this link refuses to work, don't give up Google, the links name. See you next week, just got the approval from my dear friend regarding her incredible son. Until next time...pray about it!

Give Life,
Jerri of Mars