I know it's been a while since the last time I posted on the latest topic. I was trying to come up with ways to recruit organ donors. Well, it wasn't easy. I only had a month and I really do not like soliciting anybody for nothing. I know crazy right? but I reached beyond myself.
It reminded me of when I worked in the retail industry and we were always told to do our very best to get the customer to purchase merchandise. I never liked doing that, even when I was the consumer, they would ask, "can I help you?" So, this was the feeling that surfaced when I sought to get donors. So, I still moved forward...
Nevertheless, I did use my church as a venue. I set up a table, put some gifts out, along with a box to submit applications for those that were interested. Did I mention, I only received four possible donors, but that was better than none.
My next outreach, for November, was to find some grade school children to make cards for our ailing and injured soldiers. I consider all of these types of outreach, kingdom ministry. Jesus said a lot in Matthew 25, but mostly, "...what you have done for the least of them, you have also done unto me..." So, finding organ donors and children to make cards for the sick and shut-in, is what kingdom ministry is all about.
I asked my teacher could the students in our class make cards and he obliged. The cards were beautiful! Our students, watch videos about veterans and how to help them. They got the opportunity to think of someone other than themselves, this encompassed a writing lesson and creative drawings.
Give life, after all Jesus gave His,
Jerri of Mars
PS- It has been a very busy two months. More ministry to be accomplished. Who are you seeking to help? Write me about your endeavors.