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Monday, June 30, 2014

Who we are & Why we are...

Good day M.a.r.s,
      It's been a long while, however I just wanted to share a thought or two with you, God's precious people called by His name.
     I am having a bible study with a sister of mine and the Lord has us meditating on Romans 12:1-3. I love this scripture as the King James version reads..." I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God..."
     The Lord God is taking us to a place to further define and perhaps also redefine, Who we are and Why we are. God inspired Paul the Apostle, to inform us once again, to not just read the word but to rightly divide the word. Paraphrasing as the scripture reads...
1. God is urging us, that is defined in the word beseech.
2. God is asking us to present (Jesus already did this) our bodies as a living sacrifice, where as in the old, sacrifices were presented dead.
3. God calls us Holy because He is! (not because of any outward look, walk or talk).
4. God calls us acceptable because Jesus is!; the chief corner stone; living precious stone. (further readings 1Peter 1:13-2:10)
5. God calls us out of spiritual conformity, (our will) that is of this world.
6. God calls us to transform our minds by daily renewing; His word will accomplish that what it was sent to do; wash us.
This is the part that We (His precious people) after having faith in all the above will be able to do:
7. Prove...what is good (God the Father), and acceptable (God the Son) and perfect Will of God (God the Holy Spirit).
     The scripture goes on, but believing in Who we are: God's precious people, makes it very plain of Why we are: God is...the great I am.
     Closing with this, none of God's commands can be accomplished by us doing nothing but abiding in Him. So STOP! please stop thinking neither let nobody have you to think that any of this comes in the form of how well someone preaches, prays, physically appears, how many times they attend church, etc...again, just stop looking at all the exteriors of man along with his labors in this world because they're temporal. So, when we find ourselves not feeling like any of the above, and we will, it is because we're not! And that's ok, because it is God all by Himself working through us, His precious people. Once and for all, fix our eyes on the prize, Jesus, who makes all scripture possible to believe & live with a sigh of relief. He will present us faultless! That's a promise that can never be broken. Let us continue to love; the greatest commandment.
You can make it, Jeshua did it!
Jerri of M.a.r.s